Monday, March 26, 2018

vlog #2

Helloooooo told you guys I would SEE you soon!

xoxo, cam...

the big picture

Hey guys, so I feel like because I got so far behind due to being sick, I never truly had a chance to explain the main purpose of my documentary.

The main goal I have is to create a documentary that shows all the hard work and dedication that goes into High School plays. The objective is to try to show how the students involved in AMT put so much work into their performances. When watching a high school play, many think "oh its so easy" but in reality, it is NOT. After observing these students (aka young actors) I was convinced these students put all their time and energy into perfecting these school plays. It takes AMT months and months to perfect and feel confident enough to show an entire auditorim their masterpiece.

Throughout our documentary, we will be showing the ups and the downs AMT goes through when putting a play together. We have already got many shots of practice and interviews with actors and techs that show their true feelings when they are practicing. Not only did we want to focus on the preparation of the play but also the backstage feeling of the play. In the interviews, we decided to ask personal questions. These consisted of questions such as: "How do you feel right before you take the stage," "Do you feel confident on the stage," and "what do you do when you're not performing?"

As a whole, our TV series will consist of different High Schools and their preparation and on stage performances. Unfortunately, my partner and I have not made an 100% decision on what channel we want our show series presented on but I will soon let you guys know.. Also, we are in the process of coming up with a name for the series. We want the name to be simple, yet unique. Our first thought was "Spotlight" but then we realized that is definitely NOT unique so we need to keep brainstorming!

Anyways, see you all soon!

xoxo, cam...   

Saturday, March 24, 2018

keep on moving, keep on moving

Spring break has now started but that does not mean it is time for a break, that means its time to get ahead!

Unfortunately I am out of town for break but the good news is--- my partner and I already filmed soooo much! On Wednesday March 21, we went to our school's AMT class and got some good shots. The shots consisted of the group singing, messing around in practice and a bunch of B role for our documentary. As we were filming, we decided that it is very important that we contain BOTH, the hard part of practice/class (singing over and over again until the songs are PERFECT) and the time the group has to bond and just mess around (laughing and playing games together). As my partner and I sat back to watch how practice went on, we saw that all of the kids seemed to get along and were all very close friends. When noticing this, it made me realize that because of their strong bond, it must help them perform better! Just by watching them, I wished I was talented enough to be a part of them.

xoxo, cam...

Monday, March 19, 2018

Thursday, March 15, 2018

let's get organized...

-Here is a calendar I created to keep me on track!

xoxo, cam...


Lets keep it moving my fellow media loversss!!Our production studio name:Marklo Productions (pending)

WHO do we want to interview
  • Director/Advisor
  • Tech
  • Actor
WHAT is the purpose of our documentary?Expose how much work goes into high school productions
WHERE do we want our interviews to take place?
  • Director/Advisor: At desk or on stage (location pending)
  • Tech: Inside the tech room by controls
  • Actor: Wall in drama room that has a bunch of scripts in the background
About our TV series…Our Tv series is going to feature multiple High School plays over the a series of episodes. Every episode will be a new high school play and the work that goes into each play.

xoxo, cam...

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

the thinking process

The FIRST step of this project was to think of an idea for the final project.


Tragedy of Stoneman Douglas High School
-For this documentary, we would focus on how the victims of this incident feel post-tragedy. The documentary will be interview-based. For the interviews, we have several students in mind: Julia Cordover, Emma Gonzalez, and David Hogg. All of these students have made it their priority to get their voices heard around the community and all around the country. For example, Julia Cordover could speak about her meeting with the president, Donald Trump. Emma Gonzalez can speak about her speech that has been heard by everyone through several news channels and social media sites, such as Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and even Snapchat. These students want change in gun laws and this documentary could help them get their word out all in one video. The only problem with this is it will be hard to make this documentary a part of a television series. My only thought is that the television series can be about Gun law riots as a whole and this school can just be one of the purposes as to why so many people agree to have stricter gun laws.

Our school play RENT
This idea arose when our school AMT class was selling their tickets for their RENT production. Who else, other than these student who love productions, would be soooo willing to help us throughout our documentary process. Like Idea 1, the documentary will flow through the use of interviews. We have not yet decided who we would interview for this production but we do know a lot of the actors in AMT will be willing to do them. The actual TV production series of this idea will be about High school plays as a WHOLE. We will want to show the hard work and dedication that goes into a school production and how the actors actually feel throughout the performance. We could even get their thoughts on how sad it when the production is over. For this idea, we will be able to get a lot of footage but need to step back from the project often to ensure we are not cramming too much footage into out 5 minute clip from the entire documentary.

xoxo, cam...

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

where I’ve been

Compared to my classmates, I am starting my blogs a little late :(
The reason? 

I have been in the hospital with stomach pains… turns out I have a bacteria. Anyways, even though I have been in the hospital and sick I have not fallen behind on my actual project! While I have been out my partner has been so helpful and went to the school play RENT to record some of our footage.

Stay tuned for the final project FINAL IDEA!

xoxo, cam...

Monday, March 12, 2018

i'm backkk

NEW blog, SAME girl in Media Studies…
Last year when I took Media Studies AS level, my final project was the most educating and exciting project I have ever done in high school. When course selection cards came out last year, I knew I loved Media Studies but I did not think I had space in my senior year schedule to include it :( So… I did not choose it...UNTIL…during the summer I realized I could switch some classes up and take it! I came in to guidance the first day school opened back up after summer and begged to have a schedule change in order to fit in Media Studies. And that's why, I cannot wait to start my final project this year!

My partner (Samantha Klopman) and I have decided to create a documentary this year. This documentary has to fit in as a TV series. When our class started learning about documentaries, we both got extremely excited and wanted to fast forward to working on this final project. I have to admit neither of us are amazing at choosing ideas and what we want to do but we BOTH were completely sure we wanted to create a documentary. I do not want to spoil anything yet, but in my next few blogs I will be sharing my research and ideas for this final project!

xoxo, cam...